Hľadáme šikovného lesníka-environmentalistu
Hľadáme dynamického a nadšeného človeka, ktorý bude mať vo WWF Slovensko na starosti problematiku ochrany lesov. Požadujeme vysokoškolské vzdelanie v oblasti prírodných vied. Pracovné skúsenosti v lesníckej oblasti a výborná znalosť angličtiny sú nevyhnutnosťou. Podrobný popis pracovnej náplne je v pdf dokumente.Profile and Qualifications:
- University degree in Forestry or Natural Sciences (Biology, Ecology, Environmental Protection or related subjects).
- At least 5 years of professional experience in Forestry sector, responsible forest management and/or forest protection. Experiences in strategic development of the FSC is an advantage.
- At least 3 years of experiences in project development, implementation and reporting, stakeholder engagement, and partner’s involvement.
- Working experiences in non-governmental organization, especially international one, is an advantage.
- Ability to participate effectively in inter-disciplinary and virtual project teams, good management skills, ability to build and maintain effective working relationships with colleagues and external partners;
- Advanced knowledge in forest management, nature protection and ecology;
- Basic presentation and facilitating skills as well as an analytic ones for right decision making;
- Highly committed, passionate and motivated for nature conservation;
- Practical and proactive spirit;
- Basic experiences in GIS and computer skills in Microsoft Office (Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint) and Windows operating systems;
- Experiences in data processing, evaluation and management, and field mapping are an advantage;
- Excellent oral and written communications skills in English and Slovakian
More information in the pdf file.