Hľadáme šikovného lesníka-environmentalistu

Posted on 23 January 2017
Národný park Poloniny
© Tomas Hulik
Hľadáme dynamického a nadšeného človeka, ktorý bude mať vo WWF Slovensko na starosti problematiku ochrany lesov. Požadujeme vysokoškolské vzdelanie v oblasti prírodných vied. Pracovné skúsenosti v lesníckej oblasti a výborná znalosť angličtiny sú nevyhnutnosťou. Podrobný popis pracovnej náplne je v pdf dokumente.

Profile and Qualifications:
  • University degree in Forestry or Natural Sciences (Biology, Ecology, Environmental Protection or related subjects).
  • At least 5 years of professional experience in Forestry sector, responsible forest management and/or forest protection. Experiences in strategic development of the FSC is an advantage.
  • At least 3 years of experiences in project development, implementation and reporting, stakeholder engagement, and partner’s involvement.
  • Working experiences in non-governmental organization, especially international one, is an advantage.
Skills and Abilities:
  • Ability to participate effectively in inter-disciplinary and virtual project teams, good management skills, ability to build and maintain effective working relationships with colleagues and external partners;
  • Advanced knowledge in forest management, nature protection and ecology;
  • Basic presentation and facilitating skills as well as an analytic ones for right decision making;
  • Highly committed, passionate and motivated for nature conservation;
  • Practical and proactive spirit;
  • Basic experiences in GIS and computer skills in Microsoft Office (Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint) and Windows operating systems;
  • Experiences in data processing, evaluation and management, and field mapping are an advantage;
  • Excellent oral and written communications skills in English and Slovakian
If you are interested in joining the global WWF team, email your application documents including your CV and cover letter (in English) to lapostu@wwfdcp.ro. Application deadline: 14th of February 2017. Please understand that we can only reply to short-listed candidates. For more information on the WWF, kindly check the website: http://wwf.panda.org/.

More information in the pdf file.